Cherokee And The Bear

Bear Claw Necklace

Bear Claw Necklace

The Cherokee have often seen the Black Bear of the “Smoking” Blue Ridge Mountains, as a symbol of a guide or as a spirit guide, an elder and an ally to the Cherokee people. Tales are told revealing their personal relationship with the bears in both the spirit world and in the physical world. The Cherokee not only revered the Black Bear as a spirit guide and personal totem, the black bear was also a resource for clothing, bedding, food, oil or grease, bone tools and jewelry-like adornments. A bear skull with hide could be used as a headdress while other items such as claws or robes of hide could be worn or used in their ceremonial practices, or worn as a sign of achievement by brave warriors or hunters.




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  1. I think that modern Americans need to take some lessons from the Native people, we’ve forgotten how important it is to preserve the flora and fauna in our world, we’ve forgotten to respect the bear. We take without giving back and go where we do not belong, and then wonder why the bear attacks when we were in it’s territory uninvited.

    It is a beautiful piece what a perfect reminder of our friend the bear. I appreciate that you have used silver replicas instead of real claws.

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